152 – 154 | The Pure Bred Ridden Arab Class
This is a qualifying show for the British Arabian Championships to be held on 5th September 2015 at Kings Equestrian Centre www.kingsequestrian.co.uk. All details and qualifying cards from Jayne Armstrong (Cards £15.00, cheques made payable to the Arab Horse Society), 6 Watkin Avenue, Hadfield, Glossop, Derbyshire SK13 1QD. Please send SAE. Cards may also be purchased on www.arabhorsesociety.com. Please state horse’s name, age and section when applying for card. Competitors must carry their qualifying cards with them into the ring to be signed by the judge. Failure to produce the card for signature means non-qualification. Cards must not be brought into the ring once the class has started and JUDGES MUST NOT SIGN CARDS AFTER THE CLASS HAS FINISHED, ie. after horses have left the ring. The highest placed, previously unqualified horse in the first six, can qualify.